Thursday, February 7, 2008

Roger and Andy Go to Washington

So Roidger Clemens and his jilted lover Brian McNamee are taking the mound at Capitol Hill today to tell their vastly different stories to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and a couple dozen other elected representatives and government lawyers. (Hey, it's not like the government has anything better to do; like fight a war in Iraq, stop a steamrolling recession, or figure out how to get the glaciers to stop melting.)

According to AP, Clemens is scheduled to meet with more than a dozen congressmen and senators in advance of next week's public hearing, at which he, McNamee, and Andy Petite are schedule to testify. And McNamee brought some swag with him: gauze pads and syringes that he says he used to inject Rocket's rear with steroids and HGH. Exactly what kind of person keeps blood-stained gauze pads under his pillow for six years? "You will let me know when those lambs stop screaming, won't you Clarice?"

Since none of Clemens' denials have yet to be made under oath, he still has time to change his story. And since pal Andy will also be testifying under oath, Sports Nuts News is giving 3-1 odds that Roger takes the fifth—amendment, not inning.

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